Justin Hartman
Accessories: HAWK Pen
Style: Neo Traditional
Some of my earliest memories are of drawing, which I’ve done since I can remember. My family moved around a lot and drawing was always a constant in my life. As a kid I wanted to animate cartoons, and also enjoyed drawing portraits and had a fondness for comic books. In 2004 I started my apprenticeship in Mesa, Arizona, where I worked until I relocated to San Diego in 2014. In March 2018, I decided to go on the road full time and tattoo at different shops along the way.
My style is hard for me to pinpoint. I practiced traditional during my apprenticeship and have always been drawn to comic illustrations, which I believe can be seen in my work. I enjoy a variety of subject matter but gravitate towards drawing women. I focus mostly on large scale work. I really enjoy drawing large pieces and the challenge of getting the design to work and flow with the body. I’ll sometimes spend days on a single design, which is a side of tattooing most people don’t get to see.
The opportunities that tattooing can provide are pretty amazing. It allows me to live the lifestyle I currently live. Traveling full time has given me the opportunity to work with many different artists around the world, and experience other cultures. It can give you a whole new perspective as an artist.