David Giersch

I have been using Cheyenne from the very beginning. Their first machine, the HAWK, convinced me with its easy handling and the simple modular system. The important things of a tattoo machine to me, is that it has to be clean, safe and light in terms of weight, so that even longer sessions are no problem for me, no painful wrists or the feeling of being half deaf. 

Accessories: HAWK Pen Safety Cartridges Disposable Grips HAWK PEN Grips HAWK 10th Anniversary Edition POWER UNIT IV

Style: Realistic Art and Abstract

Hi! My name is David Giersch. I was born in 1982 and raised in Berlin. I have always been interested in art and drawing. Back in my student life, I discovered my love towards graffiti and then started my education in painting with the goal of becoming a conservator for churches. Unfortunately, there was no higher education in this field anymore, so I was looking for something new and different. In 2005, I had elevated myself from a sprayer to a professional sprayer/ airbrusher, designing facades and other things for companies or property managers. In 2012, a friend who also does tattoo came to me and had me tried his Cheyenne Hawk, that experience impressed me a lot, which convinced me to learn tattooing. Over the years, I have developed my own style, a mix of realistic and watercolor tattoos. My style evolves itself constantly through participating conventions and exchanging experience with other tattoo artists. I am inspired by artists such as Nikko Hurtado and Rich Pineda, as well as Paul Acker. In 2014, I opened my own studio, True Color Arts, in Berlin, along with three other tattooers, we also invite guest artists over.

Why I use Cheyenne

I have been using Cheyenne from the very beginning. Their first machine, the HAWK, convinced me with its easy handling and the simple modular system. The important things of a tattoo machine to me, is that it has to be clean, safe and light in terms of weight, so that even longer sessions are no problem for me, no painful wrists or the feeling of being half deaf. Also, the machines make my clients pleasant because they are quiet, and I hardly hurt their skin with the machine, which then speeds up the healing process. If I need a machine with a bit more power, I reach the HAWK PEN and the SOL Nova.
