Andrey Smolentcev

Now I am traveling a lot; it allows me to be inspired and develop my skills. When I meet and communicate with new and interesting people in different countries, it helps me to advance and implement new ideas further. My job is my life.

Accessories: HAWK Pen Craft Cartridges Safety Cartridges HAWK PEN Grips

Style: Black & Grey

I have always loved drawing. I paint no matter if I feel good or bad, when I am fascinated with something, or when I want to get distracted from something or vice versa. Since 2000, I am officially engaged to tattoos, however, I just took a tool in my hand and began to create back then. It was a simply rotary machine, which I made out of an audio player. I was born and raised in a small town where there was not enough information and masters from whom I can learn something. All my experience is just my way of trial and mistakes. When I started tattooing in my city, the people who had tattoos had been released either from prison or had served in the army. My interest in making tattoos and the great desire has led to the fact that the tattoo has become an integral part of my life.

I have spent a lot of time studying American traditional tattoos as well as Japanese engravings and design. I worked a lot with contours and I am good at making lines. Now most of the time I do Black-and-Grey tattoos, but I am also interested in colored work. I like to do unique designs. Now I am traveling a lot; it allows me to be inspired and develop my skills. When I meet and communicate with new and interesting people in different countries, it helps me to advance and implement new ideas further. My job is my life.


Why I use Cheyenne

For many years, I have been able to work with different types of tattoo machines. However, one day, I received a gift from my beloved wife, it was a Cheyenne HAWK PEN. And undoubtedly I made my mind about it, because I like the quality of this item. I believe Cheyenne is the market leader in the tattoo industry.
This tool is very simple and reliable. Cheyenne modules have high quality and safety compared to their counterparts. I am currently working with the new SOL Nova from Cheyenne, which is the best machine I have ever tried. It does shading very gently and paint over any color. Moreover, it makes smooth lines in one movement. I believe that every tattoo professionals should try to work with it. I feel comfortable working with Cheyenne equipment; I am not worried about the safety and health of my customers.